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November 07, 2023 - November 09, 2023
Smart Cities' Challenges 2023!

Cities' Challenges 2023

What is it?

This year’s Cities' Challenges will have a dual approach:

Workshops: Cities’ Challenges at Catalonia’s stand, on Thursday 09

A matching of city officers and private integrators with potential European solutions' suppliers.

The 2-3 pitch 45’ sessions will gather Challenge owners from all over the world, opening up on their needs, in terms of technology, services, new solutions. 

Before, during, and after the pitch sessions, the Challenge owners will be meeting the supply side, potential candidates for their specfic needs.

Note that both events will be managed by ACCIÓ/GOOSE, and attendees will be only by direct invitation.

Call for challenge owners has been extended to 22/Sept! Fill in the form here

Cities’ Challenges Pitch at the Agora: a joint activity between ACCIÓ and the Smart Cities Marketplace, on Thursday 09, 11:45h
Following last year’s successful pitch session, we will gather city officers from all over the world to the wider audience of the Agora space.

We foresee 8-10 presentations, from municipalities and regions from Latin America to Europe and Asia, selected this year by the partnership between ACCIÓ/GOOSE and the Smart Cities Marketplace, a program from the European Commission’s Directorate General of Energy to spur the Urban Green transition.

Call for challenge owners has been extended to 22/Sept! Fill in the form here

Note that on 02nd November, 14:30 CET TIME, we might organize Webinars related to all the Smart Cities’ Challenges.

    Who is involved?

    • Public officers from cities or regions, as challenge owners
    • Corporations, integrators, operators of public projects, also as challenger owners for the Workshops
    • Private firms, SMEs, Clusters, and applied research centres, as solution providers
    • Investors and experts in PPP projects involving municipalities

    Why joining Cities' Challenges?

      • For city/region officers, to find solutions to their upcoming challenges in any of the Smart city areas, while also finding new financing means to implement and execute new projects
      • For integrators, operators of public projects, to find potential suppliers, partners, new solutions to their current and future projects
      • For private firms, clusters and applied research centres, to position their solutions within new markets, acting as partners, subcontractors, collaborators
      • For investors, to find new potential cities in which to invest and develop new activities.

      See its schedule here below, save them in your agenda, ask for meetings:






      EVENT 1


      Thematics: Sustainability and Citizenship

      MIGHT (MAL); Valle del Cauca (COL); Duisburg (GER); 
      Chungbuk (KOR); 
      Chihuauha (MEX)



      Stand Catalonia-Space netw.10 tables

      EVENT 2


      Thematic: ALL

      Campo grande (BRA); Westminster (UK); Patos de Minas (BRA); Duisburg (GER); Chihuaha (MEX); Chungbuk (KOR); Bursa (TUR)



      Central Agora

      EVENT 3


      Thematic: Mobility

      Campo grande (BRA); Patos de Minas (BRA); Bursa (TUR)



      Stand Catalonia-Space netw.10 tables


                                  CAN YOU PROVIDE A SOLUTION TO THESE CHALLENGES?

        Closed since November 09, 2023
        Organized by
        Spain 210
        Germany 37
        United Kingdom 33
        Italy 30
        Netherlands 27
        Belgium 26
        France 25
        South Korea 24
        Hungary 22
        Türkiye 13
        Israel 12
        United States 10
        Taiwan 10
        Sweden 9
        Finland 7
        Switzerland 7
        Canada 7
        Japan 7
        Chile 6
        Austria 6
        Ireland 6
        Croatia 4
        Colombia 4
        Norway 4
        India 4
        Denmark 4
        Poland 4
        Lithuania 4
        Portugal 3
        Estonia 3
        Ghana 3
        Brazil 3
        Ukraine 3
        Mexico 2
        Latvia 2
        China (Hong Kong) 2
        Romania 2
        Luxembourg 2
        Tunisia 2
        Bulgaria 2
        Czech Republic 2
        Greece 1
        Slovenia 1
        Singapore 1
        Argentina 1
        China 1
        Malaysia 1
        Nigeria 1
        Bangladesh 1
        Cyprus 1
        Viet Nam 1
        Total 603